I've been so busy lately! We've been getting ready for x-mas and I've got my craft cap on. This is the first year we are having x-mas in our home and we are excited! As a result I have dove into various crafting projects. I've been re-upholstering my dining room chairs, which is coming along but I think it's going to take me quite a lot of time to get through all six. The first one is almost done though, I'm just waiting for the piping to go around the rim! I know I'll get faster as I go.
My latest endeavor was to make a mantle-piece. Out in the garden, waiting for the dogs to pee one afternoon I noticed our cork-skrew plant had bought the dust. Looking at it's beautiful (dead) branches, I decided to immortalize it. So I clipped them off, spray painted, put a layer of spray glue on and then razzle dazzled it with glitter and fairy dust.
Next I had fun spray painting some smooth pebbles during the full moon and watching the light reflect off their shiny surfaces. I'm not a big fan of spray paint (it stinks and can't be good for the environment), but it did the job this time around. I'm open to alternatives if any of you have ideas.
My next tasks were to get some floral foam and stick it in a large terrcotta pot (that I had also spray painted silver), place the branches, add the stones, decorate with strobe balls, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .