Our first morning here! Silas gets his feet dirty as we enjoy the view and a danish! Yummo! |
Well, my computer has finally arrived, and now I am at a loss for words. Obviously that's not totally true, I can always find something to say. I had plans to sit down and account for all that has happened in the month since we arrived here, but now it feels like all too much to go back into my head and try and remember. Below I'll post some pictures of the move and a few of our early island adventures, but I think that will be the best I can do.
The first three weeks after we arrived on Orcas we came into an Indian summer. It was really nice to move up North and be greeted by gorgeous sunny and long days. I think the memory of those days will keep me going through the darkness of winter. I am nervous about winter. We have moved into fall now. The leaves are turning, there are splotches of red, orange and yellow dotted all over the island, their backdrop is the amazing emerald green trees of the Pacific North West. Yes, it is beautiful here.
Our cat Henry got a chance to enjoy the sunshine as well. We lost him just before the rains started. He was a true example of a cat having nine lives. He had been close to passing a number of times since he came into our lives, his will to live was incredibly strong and inspiring. In conclusion, I believe that Henry wanted to see what all the ruckus was about, boxes everywhere, all the movement, Gary going back and forth. Henry wanted to see Orcas, and he did. Henry made it through a 24 hour car ride and enjoyed the fresh air for three full weeks. We decided to help him along when he stopped eating his food, was having difficulty breathing and began having seizures. He died with me holding him when a local vet came to our house to administer the shot. All of his family was around him and he passed as the sun was setting. It was really quite beautiful and I am again reminded of the beauty of life, and death. When I see a passing like this, it moves me and I gain more courage for the future when it will be my time to move along. Alas, we all die. Thank you sweet Henry, I miss you.
Gary took some photos of Henry while he hung out in the Garden. He always seemed to really enjoy feeling the sun and breathing the fesh air. He would hold his head up and close his eyes. The true meaning of presence. |
"Operation Orcas" is now null and void, since we are now living here, I will entitle my new series of lifestyle writings, "Orcas Dreams". Gary and I had dreamt of doing this for ourselves and our children for quite some time and it only seems appropriate to honor that. Also, this island certainly is dreamy, I keep having to pinch myself and reminding myself that I actually live here now. We are blessed.
Life on the island is interesting. There is definitely an island feel, fresh fish, water and beaches at the end of roads, the sound of the waves, high prices for food and gas, 2 or 3 markets, everybody knows each other, buoys and other beach items everywhere you look, . . . you get the picture. I am reminded of my sweet greek grandmother who lived on a small island all her life. I wish I could talk to her and tell her about my adventures here. In my dreams I suppose!
We are meeting some people, but I haven't connected with anybody yet, you know, that real connection where you are like, "hey, you're cool, let's hang out!". It will take some time. I miss my friends and family back at home and feel a bit lonely at times when I can't reach them. I have been making an effort to get out though and Serafin also starts going to her new pre-school next week. I have a feeling I will get to know some parents through there.
Her school is amazing! I want to go there! There are chickens and a huge play yard with impressive structures to climb on and explore. The classroom is in a small building and has a loft with a blackboard for doodles, all the toys are wooden and there were a couple of instruments there that I even had trouble recognizing. The school put on a "Fall Festival" of sorts with a pot luck lunch, a cider press for making fresh apple cider and there were even donkeys for riding. Serafin had a blast, I did too.
The next couple of weeks there will be a lot of activity for us. Aside from Serafin starting school, Gary has his birthday and then Silas his (I can't believe he's turning one!), after that it's Halloween, one of my favorite holidays! We've made ghosts for hanging in the trees and even made a Serafin and Silas scarecrow that greet any guests at the driveway entrance.
Another photo of Gary's, Serafin had fun making the scarecrows, she even wanted to put one in the bucket swing and watch it go! |
We won't be getting any trick-or-treaters on our 24 acre lot that's 5 minutes up a gravel road on Sunset Mountain. Nope, not here, but we didn't in our last house either, so that's nothing new! The stores in town, however, open their doors to kids on the island for trick-or-treating, they also do pumpkin carving, story telling, and hay rides. The local stores are also participating in a scare-crow festival, so I look forward to see what Eastsound turns itself into this Halloween.
As for me, a lot of what I do depends on how I will be feeling next week. I've been a bit bogged down this week with a hurt lower back. I had Silas in his carrier and Serafin gave me the "Oh my god I've got to pee right now" cue, so we rushed to a public toilet and when I lifted her on to the seat I heard my back crunch. I thought it was getting better and then over did it yesterday when I was eager to mop and clean the bathrooms (can't believe I said that). Anyway, I have ended up stuck in bed all day today, good thing my computer arrived! So that's all for now my friends. It feels good to be back on the internet super highway! BIG LOVE and talk soon! Enjoy the pics!
Serafin crashes out in the car seat on the way to Orcas. After being up since 3:30, I was surprised she made it as long as she did! I had a quiet ride all the way to the ferry, a blessing for this tired mama! |
"What a relief! We made it!" |
This was our moving truck! We filled the entire thing up apparently! See what I mean about having a lot of stuff. How did that happen?? |
Thank goodness it wasn't raining when the movers arrived, it would have been a lot messier. We have white carpets in this house (the only major flaw in my opinion) and muddy shoes on movers would not have been a nice welcome. They had a good strategy though, take everything off the truck and put it in the driveway, then bring it into the house. |
I have connected with my mom on this land already. When we arrived, the echinacea was in full bloom! I snipped the flowers for drying to make medicine. I have also found Lavender, Yellow Dock, Parsley, Nettles, Thyme, Yerba Buena and Blackberry. My mamma would be proud! |
You all have seen this one before, this is a picture of the view from our deck, off of the dining room. We've had some amazing sunsets, hence the name of where we live, Sunset Mountain. Pinch. Pinch. See what I mean? Do I really live here? |
My beautiful six burner stovetop! "I LOVE YOU"! It's so much nicer to cook on this than my previous electric radiant stovetop. |
Serafin playing at the beach! I love that fresh clean water to play in is just 10 minutes away from our home and the big question of the day is "which beach are we going to go to?" |
Serafin rides a donkey at her new school! |