Rest in Peace my sweet mother, you are forever in my heart.
You taught me so much and now I take with me all the wisdom and strength you gave me.
You were the head of my woman clan!
The stronghold of the triple Goddess!
Our sweet Serafin will know you through me, I promise that.
Thank you for your strength and courage.
Thank you for holding my hand.
Thank you for taking care of me when I was sick.
Thank you for taking care of me when I was not sick!
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for your love and kindness.
Thank you for understanding!
I will miss the calls.
I will miss the hugs.
I will miss the dinners.
The shared looks of understanding.
The laughs.
The stupid baby voices.
The beeps, the snarls, the funny faces.
Now, I speak out loud to you, . . .
or I write to you in my journal, . . .
I pull a medicine card, . . .
or I talk to the pendulum and ask you questions, . . .
I know you are still here.
You are all around me, . . .
inside and out.
You are not here, . . .
but you are everywhere!
My beautiful mother!
Thank you for giving me this precious life!
Thank you for teaching me the most valuable lesson, . . .
to LIVE!
You will always be in my heart.
Love and light.
This beautiful prose captures a lot of what Marion meant to us all. I love guys and miss her so much.