Silas has really come into this world! It is amazing to watch how observant he is just at three months. We never really did the mobil thing with Serafin, but this time we decided to see if we could find something fun to hang up for him. I searched on Etsy and found a
store called Lullaby Mobiles. I couldn't resist plugging her on my blog because the mobil we bought it simply darling. The pictures on her website are good, but the real thing is even cuter, FYI, we bought the Owl mobile, picture below. Silas has been staring at it and smiling, our little cutie patootie! Anyway, that's all for now. I know i've been a bit MIA, but two kids has become kind of a circus act for me right now and writing in my blog seems to be a bit of a distant past life ago. Sending love and light to all my friends and fam!

picture taken by Lullaby Mobiles
That is super cute. We love owls in this house.